Membership Benefits
- Access to a nationally-recognized professional endorsement system for infant-family practitioners through connection to the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health® and other Infant Mental Health State Associations. The Alliance is a global organization that currently includes 33 state associations and two international associations. This includes the potential to learn about various training/employment opportunities and products offered by other states.
- Notification of and access to professional development opportunities at a free or reduced cost, including opportunities to earn CEUs.
- Admission to the annual NMAIMH Annual Meeting and Training. This also provides the opportunities to earn CEUs.
- Networking with a diverse and interdisciplinary group of infant mental health professionals.
- Ability to share and connect with others via the NMAIMH listserv. This provides opportunities to learn and share upcoming events, trainings, conferences, and other items related to IMH.
- Ability to serve on NMAIMH Committees.
- Active involvement in the elections of NMAIMH board members.
- Members receive a bundle discount (Membership and Endorsement reduced fees.) Endorsed professionals receive discounted membership with each renewal.