Explaining the Science of Early Brain Development – ReadyNation has partnered with the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University to produce a series of tools to help advocates explain the scientific research behind early brain development and the importance of investing in our youngest citizens. The new resources include an annotated PowerPoint, several videos, and fact sheets with accompanying talking points.
Harvard Center on the Developing Child was founded in 2006 on the belief that the vitality and sustainability of any society depend on the extent to which it expands opportunities early in life for all children to achieve their full potential and engage in responsible and productive citizenship. We view healthy child development as the foundation of economic prosperity, strong communities, and a just society, and our mission is to advance that vision by using science to enhance child well-being through innovations in policy and practice. This website provides a number of fact sheets, video clips, and other resources that contribute greatly to the field of infant and early childhood mental health.