The New Mexico Association for Infant Mental Health (NMAIMH) supports healthy development for all infants and young children in New Mexico by providing specialized training and endorsement.
NMAIMH provides a forum for interdisciplinary collaboration by advocating for the application of infant mental health principles in services for infants, young children, and caregivers.
NMAIMH works to facilitate, support, and encourage cooperation, coordination, and collaboration among those concerned with promoting the optimal development of infants, toddlers, and families.
At the invitation of the NM Department of Health and the Children, Youth and Families Department, the New Mexico Infant Mental Health Collaborative Committee formed in 2001. The committee included state agency staff, as well as participants from two-and four-year institutions of higher education, early care and education, health care, mental health, early intervention, public schools, Head Start, parent advocacy, and other fields. This diverse committee met throughout 2002 and developed a Strategic Plan for Infant Mental Health in New Mexico. The strategic plan was published and presented to the NM legislature in January, 2003. The plan offers a systematic approach to a healthier future for New Mexico’s infants and their families. The committee chose to form a non-profit organization to guide the implementation of the strategic plan. The New Mexico Association for Infant Mental Health (NMAIMH), a 501(c)(3), private, non-profit, professional membership organization, incorporated in 2004 and was granted non-profit status in 2006.
Collaborative Relationship
The NMAIMH is an Affiliate of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (https://waimh.org/) and a Member of Consortium of U.S. WAIMH Affiliates.
NMAIMH is a Founding Partner of the Alliance (formerly the League of States). For more information regarding the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health™ visit https://www.allianceaimh.org/
Member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health®. The Alliance is a global organization that includes 26 states and one international association whose infant mental health associations have licensed the use of the Competency Guidelines® and Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health® under their associations’ names. For more information, go to https://www.allianceaimh.org/