Membership Benefits

  • Access to a nationally-recognized professional endorsement system for infant-family practitioners through connection to the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health® and other Infant Mental Health State Associations. The Alliance is a global organization that currently includes 33 state associations and two international associations. This includes the potential to learn about various training/employment opportunities and products offered by other states.
  • Notification of and access to professional development opportunities at a free or reduced cost, including opportunities to earn CEUs.
  • Admission to the annual NMAIMH Annual Meeting and Training. This also provides the opportunities to earn CEUs.
  • Networking with a diverse and interdisciplinary group of infant mental health professionals.
  • Ability to share and connect with others via the NMAIMH listserv. This provides opportunities to learn and share upcoming events, trainings, conferences, and other items related to IMH.
  • Ability to serve on NMAIMH Committees.
  • Active involvement in the elections of NMAIMH board members.
  • Members receive a bundle discount (Membership and Endorsement reduced fees.) Endorsed professionals receive discounted membership with each renewal.

New Membership Portal!

Join or Renew Your Membership

We are excited to announce that professionals can now become NMAIMH Members or renew their NMAIMH Membership via the EASy system. This option is available to all, not just endorsed (or in process of) professionals. Login or register then click on the Membership tab and select “My Membership.”

Regular Membership $45 due 12/31/2024

This will replace the application form, so please do not submit the Membership Application form.